Stakeholder Engagement
Contact Us
Tara Butler
Principal for Intergovernmental and Stakeholder Engagement
(703) 697-2074
Mary Catherine Ott
Associate Principal for Intergovernmental and Stakeholder Engagement
(703) 697-2130
Economic Adjustment Committee
To ensure coordination between agencies, Executive Order 12788, as amended, instituted the Defense Economic Adjustment Program (DEAP) and the Economic Adjustment Committee. The DEAP assists seriously affected states, communities, businesses, and workers in responding to Department of Defense changes.
The Economic Adjustment Committee is comprised of 22 Federal departments and agencies at the Cabinet level, that work together to coordinate technical and financial assistance, providing communities access to the full complement of Federal government resources. The Director of the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation is the Executive Director of the Economic Adjustment Committee.
Specifically, the Economic Adjustment Committee:
- Coordinates Federal interagency and intergovernmental assistance to help states and communities respond to defense-triggered economic impacts;
- Develops procedures that assist affected states and locales;
- Provides a clearinghouse for information exchange among Federal, state, and local officials involved in economic adjustment activities. These resources touch beneficiaries from the Federal level to the individual citizens impacted by defense downsizing or growth resulting from base closures, realignments, mission growth, and similar defense adjustments.
Members of the Economic Adjustment Committee can assist states, communities, businesses and workers with a myriad of technical and financial assistance requirements to include: grants, loan guarantees, strategic outreach, and public benefit conveyance (sponsorship for transfer of surplus Federal property to eligible state and local governments for public purpose).
The Economic Adjustment Committee includes the following individuals, or their designees:
- Secretary of Agriculture
- Attorney General
- Secretary of Commerce
- Secretary of Defense
- Secretary of Education
- Secretary of Energy
- Secretary of Health and Human Services
- Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
- Secretary of Interior
- Secretary of Labor
- Secretary of State
- Secretary of Transportation
- Secretary of Treasury
- Secretary of Veterans Affairs
- Secretary of Homeland Security
- Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers
- Director of the Office of Management and Budget
- Director of the Office of Personnel Management
- Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
- Administrator of General Services
- Administrator of the Small Business Administration
- Postmaster General
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Non-Governmental Organization
The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation also works with governors, mayors, state legislators, county officials, and governmental associations to identify challenges on the ground and implement strategies that best meet the specific needs in their state and region. There is rarely a “one size fits all” approach of how to support military bases, missions, and the defense industrial base. OLDCC works with our elected, public, and private sector partners across the nation to identify what they can do to support evolving national security imperatives.
Below are some of the other organizations that OLDCC’s Stakeholder Engagement program works with:
- Association of Defense Communities
- American Planning Association
- Council of State Governments
- International City/County Management Association
- International Economic Development Council
- National Association of Development Organizations
- National Association of Counties
- National Association of State Workforce Agencies
- National Association of Workforce Boards
- National Conference of State Legislatures
- National Governors Association
- National League of Cities
- Northeast-Midwest Institute
- U.S. Conference of Mayors