U.S. Department of Defense
Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation
Many states, territories and communities across the country support the mission of the Department of Defense. Some are home to military bases, while others manufacture the products and provide the services necessary for national defense. When a defense program change occurs, it can have a major impact on local and regional communities.
The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation leverages capabilities of state, territorial and local partners through place-based grants and technical assistance to enhance readiness and resilience of our installations and ranges, and to deliver safe places for our members and their families where capabilities in Department of Defense do not otherwise exist. The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation's program portfolio is presently comprised of over 200 separate grants, exceeding $1.3 billion, and represents partnerships between the Department and most states, territories and communities that host Department of Defense installations. Many of these grants require years of monitoring following award.
At the same time, the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation works with states, territories and communities to help them respond and adapt to changes driven by the Department of Defense. By leveraging the full capabilities of the Federal government, the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation helps towns, cities, states and territories plan and carry out a future that is sustainable, resilient, and in alignment with the military mission.
By helping support defense communities’ efforts to respond to Department of Defense decisions, the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation also provides value back to the Department of Defense by ensuring:
- Defense manufacturing and supply chains are agile, resilient, adaptive and responsive to defense needs;
- Communities can support their local military installations through sustainable economic development and other civilian activities that are compatible to the Department’s current mission and adapt to changes in mission requirements.
Federal Partner Coordination
A number of different Federal agencies help communities respond to economic shifts connected to defense program changes. The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation helps link communities with the full breadth of these Federal resources.
Assistance in Action
Defense communities face several challenges as they grow and evolve while the nation’s defense priorities change. The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation supports defense communities as they work to continue their collaboration with the Military Services, defense industry, and others.
About Our Programs of Assistance
Grant assistance within the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation is designed to specifically address the challenges of communities that support the defense mission.
Other Resources
Defense actions that impact communities can have repercussions for a number of different economic development issues, including workforce, housing, education, energy, and transportation. In addition to partnering with other Federal agencies, the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation has relationships with non-governmental organizations and associations that provide expertise in specific areas that defense communities find valuable.